The mission of the Creative Writing Department is to make our writers attentive readers of the literatures of the world and socially aware members of society, who can use writing of self-expression, explorations of the possibilities of the medium, as well as in service of social causes and concerns.
To this end, we employ well-published and well-recognized faculty to teach in our undergraduate, masters and masters of fine arts program, in which they guide students in the production and revision of their craft in creative nonfiction, fiction, playwriting, poetry and literary translation. By studying elements of craft, process, vision and revision, we prepare our students to become practicing creative writers and often teachers, professors, editors, publishers, translators and arts organization professionals as well. We wish to instill confidence in them to remain in the field and continue their commitment and contribution to the literary arts.
Our Creative Writing Program was established in 1955 as part of the English Department and founded in 1968 as The Creative Writing Department. We offer three degree programs and a minor: B.A. in Creative Writing, M.A. in Creative Writing; and M.F.A. in Creative Writing. Our curriculum reflects our commitment to a variety of styles, subjects, and approaches, recognizing the complexity and breadth of contemporary writing. Graduates of our Creative Writing Program, Graduate and Undergraduate (creative nonfiction, fiction, playwriting and poetry), are instructed in literary analysis and develop their craft to constructively critique their own work and that of others. Students are prepared to participate in the larger community of writers with innovative writing in all four genres.
A great many of our students, and alumni go on to publish imaginative work of distinction; many others are in positions of leadership in publishing firms, foundations and art organizations.
We are honored to be associated with the Poetry Center and American Poetry Archives. Internationally known, the center augments our programs, sponsoring approximately fifty visiting writers per year, on campus and at various locations around San Francisco.